First quarter reflection

I believe this first quarter has been really good. My math class has been really successful, because I like to participate in math. I guess I have always been good at math, so I grew to like it, I enjoyed the topics we worked on in math, so that just made me want to be better at it. My grades for math class where also amazing. My science class has also been successful. I always try to understand, even if it isn’t my favorite. Something I think I should work on is making my science paragraphs longer. In my ELA class, we had an assignment where we had to write a personal narrative. The teacher said that mine was excellent, and that was a big part of our grade. I have also understood all of the ELA topics so far, and have enjoyed most of them. I had a class called STEAM, where all the students where like engineers. On my report card it read that I had the best grades for steam than any other of my subjects. I really enjoyed STEAM, so I knew I just wanted to improve, and I did improve. I always tried my best to learn effectively in STEAM, and I always worked on my STEAM projects with quality. My social studies grades where also very good. I am not the best at social studies but I always try to do my best.
